Have you ever seen people in movies or TV shows show up to the hospital in the worst state you can think of? I’m talking about no ears missing like 3 fingers and like a leg thrown over their shoulder. And Yes, this is an over-exaggeration obviously but it’s not far off from what tv shows do. Like have you seen Grey’s Anatomy? But anyway I just mean like walking in there in the worst way possible. This is something that we don’t really pay attention to but the reality of it IS that people would rather wait until they can feel death almost creeping up on them before making…
Self assessment
English 110 for me started like any other class. On the first day of class, we got to know each other, everybody introducing themselves and telling a little about themselves. We talked about what we would be doing in class. Went through the syllabus and the grading contract. For me, this was not new. I had been through this before and it probably would not be any different. That is until I realized the freedom I would have with my own writing. Now while I am ashamed to admit that this would be my second time taking English 110 I felt like this time it was different. Almost like a…