

 Have you ever seen people in movies or TV shows show up to the hospital in the worst state you can think of? I’m talking about no ears missing like 3 fingers and like a leg thrown over their shoulder. And Yes, this is an over-exaggeration obviously but it’s not far off from what tv shows do. Like have you seen Grey’s Anatomy?  But anyway I just mean like walking in there in the worst way possible. This is something that we don’t really pay attention to but the reality of it IS that people would rather wait until they can feel death almost creeping up on them before making the ultimate decision to go get checked out. This is the cause and effect of the healthcare system in the United States. And you know what? For calling itself the “best country in the world “ it’s kind of hard to find what’s so great about it when compared to other less developed countries. This is because our healthcare system is managed by greedy and money-hungry individuals who don’t care about what happens to the public as long as their pockets are full. Compared to other countries that actually care about public safety and public health and even if their health care isn’t “free” it’s a million times cheaper than what we have in the US keep in mind they have less money than we do. But You don’t see them paying thousands of dollars to have a doctor tell you to take a Tylenol You’ll be fine, and after that 15-second interaction get charged thousands of dollars out of pocket for the two steps he had to take to get to you and the three words he spoke. Not many people in the United States are covered by either public or private health insurance so naturally they prefer to stay at home because they can barely afford groceries for that week let alone the thousands of dollars that they will be charged for going to a hospital if they get sick or break a leg. At this point it’s just ridiculous how high after-visit bills are because why does a regular visit to an emergency room cost upwards to 1,300 dollars. Who has the money for that? Not me. Not you. Let alone people who are struggling to put food on their tables for their children. So why is it that other countries’ health insurance is so good that they even cover tourists and foreigners when they visit and something happens and an American can’t even get their life-saving medication covered if this is one of “The best countries in the world”? Well, That is a simple and hard question but in my own personal and unasked for opinion it’s simple. Its Because people just want money and don’t care what others go through or what happens to them. The topic of health care really sends me into a spiral because while I understand that the world basically runs on money my life shouldn’t be considered less than money. By that I mean that it’s like they are putting money as the number one priority and your life on like third place just because they can. Same thing with glasses like i didn’t choose to be blind so why am I paying hundreds of dollars for them? Oh sorry, I got a little carried away there. But all in all we really do need to start doing something to at least begin the process of fixing this issue because it shouldn’t be about who can afford it, but instead about who needs it. 

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